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The official arabia, March, 2023

Our favorite choices for International Women's Day

The Official Arabia - Credit, Frank Pena

A perfect celebration for brands that support feminism, well-being of children and equality for all, whatever the characteristics of the different sectors of activity.

It is always a positive approach in a more fair society so that we can all coexist. But did you know that many companies celebrate women and are held by powerful women who express themselves and inspire by creating these superb brands?

Although we should do it every day, the special day to celebrate women is there again. This is why we have compiled our best choices of creations belonging to inspiring women who express themselves and inspire through their achievements. Take a look below:


Founded by Maggie Frerejean-Asttinger and Constance Jablonski, two avant-garde women, French Bloom is focused on empowerment and inclusion and has a toast to celebrate International Women's Day.

Born from the idea that celebrations should enhance social encounters and allow everyone to feel inclusive, this woman's day calls for toasting all women, emphasizing their contribution, their success and their innovation in the world. Perfect for intimate meetings with your friends or a magical evening surrounded by women who inspired you, French Bloom is there to celebrate with you!


Abeer Al Otaiba, founder and director of the creation of Semsem, is the mother of two children and wife of the United Arab Emirates Ambassador to the United States. She grew up in Alexandria, Egypt, and pursued a career in civil engineering in Dubai before settling in Virginia. Semsem constantly evokes the sensitivities of the East and the West drawn from the multicultural education of Al Otaiba. Although civil engineering and fashion may seem two different worlds, its penchant for precise conceptions, unequaled quality and functionality goes well with its always fashion for fashion. The latest addition of Middle East retailers updates the list of prestigious semsem stockists, both in store and online, which testifies to the phenomenal growth of the brand inside and outside the region.


Mango joins Save The Children, the main international NGO, to promote education and sport among children and women in Bangladesh. Alexia Putellas, Mango ambassador, one of the best footballers in the world and a model in the struggle for equality, is also the ambassador of the Goals project.

Thanks to this project, the company intends to contribute to the social and economic development of Bangladesh, a key country for the manufacture of clothing worldwide, by working with the support of Save the Children to promote the learning possibilities in two of Local communities close to several factories with which Mango works, in the regions of Dhaka and Savar.


Bomo Swim is pleased to share the wonderful story of Buky, the founder and the brand of the brand. Buky has created this brand to help women have self -confidence and celebrate their bodies while eliminating the idea of ​​what a perfect body should be. Bomo Swim is an ode to her British and Nigerian heritage and her childhood spent in the United Kingdom, where she met various women and their experiences in body image. The passion and dedication of Buky are at the forefront of the ethics of the brand and the guiding principle according to which women with forms should not have to compromise between the cup, the quality and the aesthetics, which is visible throughout the collection.

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